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Zero-Effluent Recirculation-Optimized (Z.E.R.O.) Aquaculture Systems

THE INITIAL OBJECTIVE of the Zero-Exchange Recirculation-Optimized Aquaculture System Project (herein, "Z.E.R.O. Project") was the development of a scalable, closed-containment, land-based aquaculture system which utilizes proprietary, innovative means to achieve complete reduction of waste that is the result of nutrient input (feeding, metabolic activity of cohort and resident microorganisms), with: sufficient yield to justify the initial and ongoing investment in temporal and monetary resources associated with system installation and operation, respectively; space requirements which are primarily dictated by the physical space that the cohort occupies (as opposed to dedicating the vastly greater amount of space associated with filtration, relative to that which is occupied by the cohort, in conventional closed-containment systems); operational requirements that require only modest training and can be carried out as necessary by persons without any formal education; utilizes 100% renewable energy; is capable of expansion to raise feed organisms for the cohort throughout the entire course of rearing; avoids the use of conventional biocides to control organisms perceived as harmful to the cohort; is within the monetary means of independent farmers and/or cooperatives, whether subsidized by government incentives or not.  100% ROI was initially forecast within an operating period of 2 - 5 years, depending upon market value of cohort being raised.

The secondary objective of the Z.E.R.O. Project was: to fabricate complete systems, and all components utilized in construction and operation of Z.E.R.O. Systems; to provide the service of installing Z.E.R.O. Systems and remotely monitoring them; the training (onsite or remotely) of Z.E.R.O. System caretakers available on a global scale.  Potential proprietors of Z.E.R.O. Systems include, but are not limited to: 

  • Individuals and rural communities with food requirements which cannot be met without damaging their local environment through conventional fishing practices;

  • Retailers of ethically-sourced seafood;

  • Research organizations;

  • Hatcheries operated for raising game fish species for recreational angling;

  • State- and/or federally-funded hatcheries for species preservation;

  • Commercial aquaculturists who wish to raise organisms for sale to third parties.

The basic Z.E.R.O. System design is suitable for raising all life stages of:

  • Finfish

  • Motile invertebrates, including but not limited to:

    • Crustaceans

    • Ctenophores

    • Echinoderms

    • Gastropods

    • Medusozoans

  • Sessile invertebrates, including but not limited to:

    • Bivalves

    • Cnidarians

    • Poriferans

    • Tunicates

  • Aquatic plants, macroalgae (including kelp), and microalgae

  • Plankton, for livestock feed, health industry, bio-fuel production, and research

Z.E.R.O. System designs may be modified to accommodate unique requirements of certain organisms, such as Medusozoans.

The fundamental Z.E.R.O. System design incorporates unique infrastructure which mitigates aggression associated with resource competition in finfishes, taking advantage of instinctive behavioral tendencies and simultaneously improving the yield and enhancing nutrient uptake rates.  This benefit is realized without the need for exposing the cohort to mood-altering chemicals.

Sisu Concepts is unique in that all fabrication of equipment and blending of ionic and biological compounds employed to maintain values of critical parameters within cohort-appropriate ranges is performed in-house, by our own staff, in our own facility.  Electrical components and certain construction materials are sourced from specific industry partners with the highest ratings for product performance, quality, and customer satisfaction.  The Z.E.R.O. System may be considered a truly complete package, essentially "turnkey", engineered to bring success to caretakers of any experience level.

The focus is now shifted towards the discussion of how the Z.E.R.O. System design addresses shortcomings of traditional closed-circulation aquaculture filtration.  The inefficiency in nutrient management is largely due to two related factors: lack of an adequately-sized microbial population to reduce the nutrient content satisfactorily, and lack of a design which maximizes the rate of nutrient uptake by these same microbes.  The Z.E.R.O. System design overcomes both of these limitations in a unique fashion. 

First, it utilizes a filtration and infrastructural substrate with surface area for microbial colonization which is at least 30x greater than that of conventional media per unit volume.  This aspect of the Z.E.R.O. substrate enables the entirety of the microbial biomass to be maintained within a space that is dramatically smaller than the next best media (to say nothing of the more conventional substrates in use, which are ~1,700x lower in their surface area to volume ratios).

Second, the Z.E.R.O. System design intermittently exposes the filtration substrate to atmospheric oxygen within a protective vessel utilizing no moving parts, but being continuously fed by a pump extracting water from the grow-out tank.  This alternating exposure of the microbial consortium to nutrient-rich water and atmospheric oxygen maximizes the rate at which nutrients are converted into additional microbial biomass or are reduced into progressively elementary forms of organic waste, ultimately exiting the system in the form of inert gas.  This method of nutrient reduction is patent pending.  The intermittent discharge of the filtered, nutrient-poor water from the filtration vessel(s) back into the grow-out tank results in physical displacement of water, which encourages particulate organic material (the result of uneaten food and solid metabolic waste) to become suspended in the water column where it is more readily extracted by mechanical filtration means.

Third, as mentioned previously, the Z.E.R.O. System design incorporates unique infrastructure which mitigates aggression associated with resource competition, taking advantage of instinctive behavioral tendencies to improve yield and further reduce nutrient load throughout the system.  This benefit is realized without the need for exposing the cohort to mood-altering chemicals.
Modifying a Z.E.R.O. System to satisfy husbandry requirements of organisms with “special needs” (whether due to behavioral or physical requirements) is possible due to the fundamental system design, and any modifications may be temporary or permanent as the operator desires (furthermore, with the exception of the operator’s investment in any necessary equipment to achieve their specific aims, the cost associated with modifying a Z.E.R.O. System would be miniscule relative to the cost of modifying a conventional closed-containment system).  It is also possible to incorporate features into a Z.E.R.O. System which specifically addresses the behavior and aggression of certain families of fish and crustaceans, reducing associated mortality and improving the consistency of growth rate across the cohort.  For example, this feature is incorporated into Z.E.R.O. Systems used to raise salmonids, which exhibit intraspecific aggression and resource competition post-alevin stage.
The scalability and flexibility of the fundamental Z.E.R.O. System design also lends itself to both mobile and temporary units.  Mobile units comprise those employed to transport aquatic organisms, such as when moving fish from a hatchery to a stocking site, or during an emergency (e.g. long-term power outage, tank rupture, or natural disaster that threatens the Z.E.R.O. System location and/or the cohort (such as a flood or forest fire)).  A design for such a system, which can be scaled from a unit that sits in the bed of a pickup truck to one employed in a tanker or seagoing vessel, has been completed and is patent pending.  Temporary units may be set up for short periods of time before being deconstructed as necessary.  Fisheries biologists collecting specimens from natural water bodies for the purpose of brood stock procurement, and those performing seasonal studies within a specific geographic region, would find that such a system offers flexibility, reliability, and definite advantages over other livestock holding methods in practice.
Finally, the Z.E.R.O. System design affords modularity, permitting expansion or contraction of a system as desired.  This feature enables an operator to adapt an existing Z.E.R.O. System without buying a new one should their production requirements change with time.
Transportation of the Z.E.R.O. System is made simple by the fact that most components are assembled on site, and otherwise take up little physical space during the transportation phase of an installation.  This feature enables delivery of Z.E.R.O. Systems to destinations where rigid containment tanks utilized in conventional closed-containment aquaculture systems could not be transported. 
From a conservation perspective, it is entirely possible to incorporate post-consumer materials into Z.E.R.O. Systems, specifically in components traditionally made of petroleum-based compounds (e.g. rubber, plastics).

Critical to the primary objective of the Z.E.R.O. Project is that, other than with basic training, no pre-existing experience is required to successfully raise a cohort of finfish, for example, from fertilized eggs to market stage in a Z.E.R.O. System.  Indeed, the system operation must be understandable to a person with basic reading and comprehension, or who can successfully complete a remote training course conducted by a Z.E.R.O. System Certified Technician.
Operators require basic training pertaining to:

  • Principles of husbandry associated with caring for captive aquatic organisms, primarily consisting of the relationships between water flow, the microbial consortium, and the cohort;

  • Basic water analysis methods, and adjustment of parameters as necessary;

  • The purpose of each type or piece of equipment utilized in the Z.E.R.O. System, and the manner in which it is intended to function;

  • The life cycle and physical requirements of the species being raised in the cohort;

  • Feeding requirements and the evolution thereof as the cohort progresses through the life cycle.

Sisu Concepts LLC offers a remote monitoring and advisory service to clients operating Z.E.R.O. Systems, made possible through the incorporation of equipment which communicates via the internet, through any connection (physical, cellular, satellite).  In such a service, systems are monitored by technicians at our headquarters.  Pertinent data (primarily related to water parameters) is logged for each individual system, and operators are advised of how to address imbalances as necessary.
Items utilized in the operation of Z.E.R.O. Systems include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • Biological filtration media, specific to Z.E.R.O. System operation

  • Substances employed to maintain specific water parameters (organic and inorganic), as required by the cohort, the most commonly-used being:

    • Microbial blend

    • Buffering blend

    • Ionic compounds to adjust specific target elements

    • Ionic compound blends which accurately recreates water chemistry of natal waters

  • Feeds and feed enhancements

  • Water analysis equipment

  • Operational equipment for replacement of expired items, such as:

    • Pumps

    • Heaters

    • Filtration vessels

    • Support structures

    • Liners

All of the aforementioned items are stocked by Sisu Concepts.  Filtration vessels are fabricated within our facility using polyethylene, which is far more durable and cost-effective than using polycarbonate- and/or acrylate-based polymers.

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